Conferenza internazionale a Praga
Scosse partecipa e invita a:
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Education seen through women’s eyes”
Prague, 14 – 15 March 2015
Speaking about education means pointing something essential in society: formation of personalities of citizens and printing a mark in collective culture.
For years, neo-liberalism has a distraint on educational systems in Europe. Results: a school policy which destroys the social cohesion, ruins public services pushing more and more to individualism, to personal success.
A policy carrying a model of society centered on the man, white, heterosexual, Christian (in most of European countries) and on a single family model.
We are with favour of an open school, which includes all the differences. A school which eliminates the sexist vision of society, which eliminates the gender stereotypes and which rebuilds a social model in which men and women have the same legitimacy as individual people. A school where respect of differences of all forms of sexual identity is the basis of a dialogue and of the construction of a jointly society.
A political reflection about education from the women’s point of view about the models given and ‘prescribed’ by the society of today represents an opening for projects of a different world in which everyone has the right to speak, where equality of rights is the same for all.
Adoraciòn Guamàn Hernandez, Labour law prof – Spain
Janine Guespin, prof. fee of biology – France
Aliki Kosyfologou, political scientist, phd gender issues – Greece
Birge Krondorfer, philosopher Frauenhetz/Wien – Austria
Monica Pasquino, phd philosophy, president S.C.O.S.S.E. – Italy
Eva-Liisa Raekallio, educator- Finland
Adriana Sabaté, educator – Spain
Member party: Party of Democratic Socialism
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